Eric Carbonara is a Philadelphia-based sound mixer and post-production audio specialist.
I have been recording, mixing, and designing sound throughout the world for over 20 years.
If you’re in need of a dedicated audio professional who can handle a project’s entire sound workflow from pre-production through passing QC all while serving a director’s vision, don’t hesitate to call.
For availability and questions regarding rates & policies,
+1 (215) 820 - 6257
Available to work in the Greater-Philadelphia region as a local (& parts of north DE, south NJ, and parts of eastern PA) as well as throughout the United States and abroad.
- Valid D.L. & US Passport
My passion lies where art and engineering intersect. My experience spans the gamut of genre, format, and directorial approach. From corporate to reality, narrative feature to live concert recording, and everything in between.
I pride myself in quality sound recording, meticulous attention to detail, and reliability.
Working abroad in Istanbul, Turkey. photo by Meg Lamon
Find me on Instagram
#NadaSoundStudioTrying not to get kicked in the face while 200ft up on the set of Lighthouse Unmanned.